Huge amounts of water continue to fall in Northern NSW. Yamba has seen its share and so far everything is going OK. We would like to ask all owners to check on board their boats when they can to look for any leaks…as you know water will find its way on board anyway it can!!! We are checking that all boats are floating on their lines but it is worth a check on board when you have the time. The Clarence had more than half-a-metre of water above the predicted tide yesterday….
Archive for year: 2022
Just had a huge blow go through Yamba. Gusts to over 50kmh. Now thunder and lightning!!!! Hold on tight…..
The marina is looking in good shape after a busy summer period. Please remember if you are seeking a cas
ual berth please call in advance….space is tight.
Tide measuring on the middle wall of the Clarence River at Yamba today showed a high tide of 2.02 metres. The predicted tide was 1.8 metres. That’s a lot of extra water flowing about. Be careful. The next few days will not be great for boating!
Great to see “Outlaw” go into the water for the first time today. A local product made on the banks of the Clarence River. May she have fair winds and smooth seas.
This is a Christmas tide swollen by a low pressure system off the coast. Probably the highest tide we will see in a long time.
Marina Bay,
3 Yamba Road, Yamba, NSW
Australia 2464
+61 2 6646 9898
Channel 16
Office & Shop Opening Hours
8-5 Monday to Friday
8-1 Saturday to Sunday
Closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
Please contact us with any questions or special requests.