The key to being safe (as much as possible) is to be prepared in the face of the weather that is predicted. We have been busy checking mooring lines and making sure boats are as secure as can be. However it is up to owners to make sure on board fittings and fixtures are secured.

We have taken the extra precaution of taking our hire boats out of the water and securing them on the hardstand. In the event of torrential rain we do not want the boats filling with water. Boat owners should where possible check that on board bilge pumps are in good order and that no materials are in the bilge that make hinder their operation.

We have suspended hardstand operations until the weather clears. The marina will be staffed as normal and we are open for fuel in the event that it is required for emergency services and customers that may need it.

The weather is being the weather. The forecasts say we are in for a LOT of rain and very strong winds. The Marina is in a protected part of the Clarence River but that doesn’t mean we are immune from mother nature’s fury. Our staff are on duty during working hours and we do keen an eye on all boats. However mooring lines should be checked by owners when possible.

Our top wind gust as of 2PM Wednesday March 5 has been 74km/h. The table included shows the international scale for cyclone categories. It makes for sobering reading. Please be safe – on and off the water

OK. We’ve had our annual holiday…two days…Christmas Day and Boxing Day. We are open again from 8AM on Friday December 27 and will be open ever day until next Christmas!! We have the best fuel on the Clarence River – BP Ultimate Diesel and BP Ultimate 98. Weekdays 8AM to 5PM and weekends 8AM to […]

Yamba Marina is open all over the holidays. We are only closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day…otherwise we are open 8AM to 5PM Monday to Friday and 8AM to 1PM on weekends.

If you need fuel (Ultimate 98 or Ultimate Diesel) out of hours call the marina on 02 6646 9898 and the call will be diverted to our after-hours answering service. We will try to help if we can.

Be safe and happy on the water!!!!!

Life jackets for ALL on board.