The latest fashion. Put your car in a lift and take it to your floor in the high-rise. Probably wont work for boats but you can bet someone will try.

We cater for all kinds of boats on the hardstand. We have space. Come and enjoy the warm weather of the legendary Pacific North Coast.

Our old friend Angus Hyslop passed away in hospital a few weeks ago. His estate has asked us to find a new owner for the “Black Pearl”. She’s a Compass 30. Angus was a published author of a string of books. It is perhaps appropriate that we tell you not to judge this book by its cover. “Black Pearl” is not pretty to look at right now. But she is a diamond in the rough. Down below she’s in great shape and from the deck up the rig is strong. She’s on the hard at Yamba Marina. All offers considered.

From mid-September 2020 Yamba Marina will be offering Ultimate Diesel Fuel for its customers. Yamba Marina already carries Ultimate Unleaded Fuel so the arrival of Ultimate Diesel will complete the change of all Marina Fuel to the Ultimate variety. Yamba Marina fuel is supplied by BP and is the highest quality available on the North Coast. Ultimate Diesel improves engine performance and gives greater range per tank.

The weather is great and the yard is filling up. A tip for travelers. Do not try to go north over the Qld border by water as it is very well policed and those making a run for it are being caught. Do the right thing and wait for the all clear. Come and cruise the might Clarence River while you wait. Over 300kms of clean, clear cruising waters await.

The wind was benign at dawn. By 3PM 50kph (+ 25knots for sailors). Better off at the dock. Be safe.At dawn the wind was benign. By 3PM it was blowing at 45kmh (25knots for sailors). Better tied up at the dock. Be safe.

Look at this!  26 degrees and the sky is clear. Perfect time to work on the boat to be ready for Spring and Summer.

From Monday August 10 we will be undertaking some major works on the hardstand and outside the Marina Office area.

We ask that you limit activities in the space identified to avoid any problems. The area will be clearly marked and all safety precautions will bet taken.

The major thing to keep in mind is to keep physical visits to the Marine Office to a minimum as there will be site work going on. Call the marina on 02 6646 9898 or email

Yamba Marina will be fully operational during the works but will not be providing diesel fuel for approx 5 days. All other services will continue but parts of the hardstand and office entrance will be a work zone.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.