Under blue skies in beautiful autumn weather the marina is a great place to forget about worldly problems. You can work on your own boat at your own pace and social distancing is not a problem. We are of course at all times being very careful to abide by the rules set by Government. When the restrictions are released we think things will move pretty quickly….boats will move around to get back home or to make Yamba home in the future.

It’s a good time right now to book time on the hardstand. Call Graham and he will give you his best deal during May and June.


Yamba Marina is open for business. We have again been advised by the NSW State Government that we are allowed to operate as normal (providing we undertake appropriate safeguards). Of course we do that. The ability to keep boats safe and operational is a benefit to all.

Our handstand is open. Our travel-lift is operational. Marina marine service tenants are largely operating as normal.  Please keep in touch as we want to help you with your requirements.

We are still operational at Yamba Marina. As we supply fuel and services to the Police, NSW Maritime and Marine Rescue we need to be open as an essential service. Our hardstand yard is operating under strict rules of social distancing and regular disinfecting. All facilities are disinfected on a regular basis and access to the marina is restricted to boat owners only. We are NOT allowing boats to berth from interstate under any circumstances. The Thrifty Hire Car business continues to operate, again under strict rules and protocols.

If you are staying on your boat try this new long-life milk from Norco. Screw top makes it easy to store. We have them in the kiosk.

A handy little thing to have when you run out of the fresh stuff……

NOTE; Someone said  “That’s a weird news item”. We said; “Not if you are on your boat and the only thing your need is milk for your tea or coffee.  200ml re-sealable containers…..just $1.50 each!!!!!


We are getting calls from boats travelling the coast. If you are a boat coming from a NSW port you are welcome at Yamba Marina under current restrictions. However if you are travelling from interstate by water, you cannot berth at Yamba Marina unless you have undergone 14 days isolation on anchor in the Clarence River. If you arrive from interstate you CANNOT get off your boat for 14 days after arrival. These restrictions are being controlled by NSW Police.

To be clear, boats from NSW waters are welcome at Yamba Marina. However social distancing and all other measures for health and hygiene must be observed. Visitors are not encouraged on the marina and all vessel movements are monitored. No social gatherings on boats are allowed. Please do the right thing.

As the nation grinds to a standstill we are still able to offer most of our services at Yamba Marina. As a fuel outlet we are deemed to be “essential” at this stage and to that end have plenty of Ultimate unleaded and diesel fuel in stock. We remain open 7 days a week. If you require fuel out-of-hours call the marina telephone (02 6646 9898) and your call will be diverted. We have hardstand space available at the moment and our travel-lift is operating. We have berths available but ask that you call ahead to make a booking as space is tight.

Our course we are using all precautions as dictated by the Federal, State and local governments.

“Social- distancing” is mandatory on-site and all facilities are being regularly sanitised and cleaned.

We are asking ALL customers to limit the number of visitors on the marina as this will help keep contamination risks under control.

In these times of hardship we want everyone to know that Café Marina is open 7 days a week for takeaway from breakfast to lunchtime. Light meals to make the best of a difficult world. Get out of the house for just a brief time to get some fresh air and food. The Café is open from 8.30am. Call them to find out what’s on the menu each day 6646 3311.

The food is GREAT.

Seems like a shutdown of many industries will take place this week so we want you to know that Yamba Marina will remain contactable throughout the crisis. Use the telephone (that’s one above haha) to contact us rather than coming to the marina office. If you want fuel at any time please call ahead (02 6646 9898) or email contact@yambamarina.com.au so we can make sure the fuel dock is available when you arrive.

Our telephones will be diverted after hours in the event of an emergency. We will make a decision early this week about hardstand operations and we hope to be able to continue to provide Thrifty Rental Cars on a normal basis.

HOWEVER please limit face-to-face contact in the marina office and remain at least 2 metres from staff when conversing. 

Things are moving very quickly so please take all precautions that medical officials suggest. Together we must beat this terrible virus.

Despite the pickle we all find ourselves in at the moment, we try to look for the blue sky. At some time in the not too distant future things will start to look up and we will all get back to normal. In the meantime lets make the best of what we have got. Today we put all the boats in from the hardstand so we have some space available for you to work on your boat. With skies like this messin’ around on boats may just be the tonic you need. Be safe and be positive. Things will get better. Remember the blue sky.