Just a quick word about Caronavirus. As we have shared facilities at the marina, including showers, toilets and laundry machines, we ask that ALL customers observe a high level of personal hygiene and make sure hands are washed before and after using the facilities. If we all play our part things will be OK. If you develop a cough or high temperature contact health authorities (preferably by telephone in the first instance) to get the right advice. THANK YOU.


Wonderful world…..nature…..we love you!!!!

The landing barge that did such great work during the Mallacoota fires in Victoria on her way home to Townsville. Great job by the crew on board….Army men and women we should be all very proud of. Thank you guys.

February has been quite a month so far…..330mm of rain to date compared to the long term average for the month of 157mm. The February temperature so far has averaged 26.9 degrees…long term average 26.7 degrees…. Blue skies now….good time to get work done on your boat. Call Graham to book a lot.

The rain might have gone for now…but the Clarence River is chocked with debris from the flood. We’ve seen trees, fences and dead animals floating past.  The obstacles remain mostly submerged so BE CAREFULL IN YOUR BOAT.

Weather forecasting is a difficult business. This view is looking north today. So far in 2020 we’ve had 515mm of rain. The long term average for the same period…..297mm. And to think a few weeks ago the skies were full of smoke. A good time to check the bilges….water gets in to boats from very strange places…..

When you tie up on a mooring (at Yamba Marina) remember the buoy itself is only there to show the position of the mooring and to help you locate the mooring chain. The rope line to the buoy is NOT how you secure your boat….at out place we have strong, serviced mooring chain to do that. Please use the chain. Do not tie up to the buoy rope.

It’s still busy summer time on the far North Coast. Visitors from Queensland and southern NSW are keeping things humming along. Blue skies and sunshine……hard to beat.

Its a wet start to the holiday weekend….but the three fishing charter boats are out at sea…the weather will get better….but the rain is very, very appreciated……enjoy Australia Day……

Yamba has had more than 200mm of rain in the past two days….that almost 8 inches of moisture. This is a reminder to check your boat for excess water….we all know that rain can find its way into almost any hull. We do keep on eye on the lines of each boat….but its the owners job to check down below after major rain events.