Identical girls…….two Moody 43’s on the hardstand at Yamba Marina. We’ve got room for more boats right now so if you are thinking of getting the boat ready to go north or if you just want to have her in good shape for winter cruising, give the office a call.
This chart from Coastwatch QLD provides valuable information on the Seaway Entrance. As we all know sand moves, so up to date knowledge is king!!!!
Yamba Marina will be open all the Easter break. Hours will be 8AM to 1PM from Easter Friday until Easter Monday. Normal trading will resume on Tuesday April 23 when we will be open 8AM till 5PM as usual.
Yamba Marina has been advised by Origin Energy that the marina power will interrupted from 8-00AM Sunday April 7.
We will have no telephones or computers and all business operations will be affected. We will not be able to sell fuel.
Normal operation will resume at 8-00AM Monday morning (we hope).
In the event of emergency call 0413 111 555 or in an extreme event call 000.
The grand old Police boat “Fearless” is out for what will probably be her last service before being retired. Bet she’s got some stories to tell!!!!!.
This lady hasn’t been out of the water for about four years. We won’t show you her bottom because we are gentlemen!
But suffice to say she is living proof that boats need to be cared for on a regular basis. You actually save money by doing the work annually.
We just love this picture of billionaire Harry Triguboff and his two grandsons. Classic.
It’s Easter in about three weeks so if you are looking to visit Yamba in your boat let us know because berths are hard to come by. This year the Easter weekend is followed quickly by Anzac Day so many people will take an extended break.
Also if you need to lift your boat out to do some work on the hardstand call Graham to book in. It’s great working in the sunshine of Yamba!!!
Marina Bay,
3 Yamba Road, Yamba, NSW
Australia 2464
+61 2 6646 9898
Channel 16
Office & Shop Opening Hours
8-5 Monday to Friday
8-1 Saturday to Sunday
Closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
Please contact us with any questions or special requests.